Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: No Schedules, No Meetings, No Joke--The Simple Change That Can Mak

Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: No Schedules, No Meetings, No Joke--The Simple Change That Can Make Your Job Terrific

By Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler

Social visionaries and creators of the Results-Only Work Environment, Ressler and Thompson explore why most workplaces are so dysfunctional and offer a dramatic new way to stop the toxic behaviors and beliefs that often limit workers' potential.


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Book Information

Publisher: Portfolio
Publish Date: 05/29/2008
Pages: 208
ISBN-13: 9781591842033
ISBN-10: 1591842034
Language: English

What We're Saying

December 05, 2008

The books on our 2008 shortlist for the HR & Organizational Development Category are: Reward Systems: Does Yours Measure Up? by Steve Kerr (Harvard Business Press, December 2008) Business Press is doing business book fans everywhere a great service by publishing the Memo to the CEO series, a set of easily accessible and well-researched books from experts on leadership issues. In Reward Systems, Steve Kerr points out the problems with most reward (or incentive) programs, distilling years of experience to present a three-step process for creating a simple yet effective rewards system that will improve both performance and motivation in your workplace. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

March 07, 2013

In the world of professional work, there is a growing conversation about how work can be done and what is most important to a company and its staff. In 2010, we selected Rework as Business Book of the Year because if offered fresh thought on everyday business operations; it gave affirmation to the companies that were saying, "the old way is not the only way. " Pragmatic companies and their leadership teams have begun to tolerate and even embrace practices like telecommuting, choosing to focus on the results, rather than the process. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

Full Description

Do you hate cramming all of your errands into the weekend?
Do you resent having to beg permission to watch your kid's weekday soccer game?
Are you tired of seeing people who aren't very good at their jobs get promoted because they arrive early and stay late?
There's got to be a better way--and there is! Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson show that "everyone" benefits when we change the focus from hours to outcomes. It's just that our traditional definition of work--Monday through Friday, nine to five--doesn't make sense in the always-on global economy.
So, Ressler and Thompson created the Results-Only Work Environment. In a ROWE, "you" control when, where, and how long you work. As long as you meet your objectives, the way you spend your time is entirely up to you.
Suddenly, work isn't a place you "go," it's a thing you "do." In a ROWE, there are no mandatory meetings or fixed schedules. You stop doing any activity that wastes time, and no one criticizes you for "leaving early" or "coming in late." If you do your best work at midnight or on Sundays, go for it!
ROWE sounds like a fantasy, but Ressler and Thompson have already made it a reality at Best Buy, a Fortune 100 company. They have proven that ROWE not only makes employees happier but also delivers "better results." And now the authors are helping companies implement ROWE nationwide.
Infused with passion and common sense, "Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It" will change the way you think about your job, your company, and your quality of life. Read it and join the revolution!

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