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Utopia Is Creepy: And Other Provocations

Utopia Is Creepy: And Other Provocations

By Nicholas Carr

A freewheeling, sharp-shooting indictment of a tech-besotted culture.


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Book Information

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Publish Date: 09/06/2016
Pages: 384
ISBN-13: 9780393254549
ISBN-10: 0393254542
Language: English

What We're Saying

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The five finalists in the Innovation & Creativity category span styles and subject matter, but all do one thing well: make learning interesting. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

November 01, 2016

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September 08, 2016

Utopia is Creepy: And Other Provocations

Book Review by Dylan Schleicher

Nicholas Carr reminds us that digital utopianism is just like all the utopias that came before it—unrealistic and a little creepy. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

Full Description

With razor wit, Nicholas Carr cuts through Silicon Valley's unsettlingly cheery vision of the technological future to ask a hard question: Have we been seduced by a lie? Gathering a decade's worth of posts from his blog, Rough Type, as well as his seminal essays, Utopia Is Creepy is "Carr's best hits for those who missed the last decade of his stream of thoughtful commentary about our love affair with technology and its effect on our relationships" (Richard Cytowic, New York Journal of Books).

Carr draws on artists ranging from Walt Whitman to the Clash, while weaving in the latest findings from science and sociology. Carr's favorite targets are those zealots who believe so fervently in computers and data that they abandon common sense. Cheap digital tools do not make us all the next Fellini or Dylan. Social networks, diverting as they may be, are not vehicles for self-enlightenment. And "likes" and retweets are not going to elevate political discourse. Utopia Is Creepy compels us to question the technological momentum that has trapped us in its flow. "Resistance is never futile," argues Carr, and this book delivers the proof.

About the Author

Nicholas Carr is the author of The Shallows , a Pulitzer Prize finalist, The Glass Cage , and Utopia is Creepy. He has written for the New York Times , the Wall Street Journal , Atlantic , and Wired.

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