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What Got You Here Won't Get You There Interview With Marshall Goldsmith


March 02, 2007


In this interview I talk with Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. What intrigued me about the book was Marshall writing a book for successful people. I find that idea counterintuitive—most successful people I know don't think they need much help.

In this interview I talk with Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. What intrigued me about the book was Marshall writing a book for successful people. I find that idea counterintuitive—most successful people I know don't think they need much help. Marshall makes a great case for why that is the barrier that keeps those people where they are. We talk about how leaders' suggestions become orders, how leaders should talk publicly about what they are trying to improve if they hope to get better, and how your efforts towards improvement should start at home. [podcast][/podcast]

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