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The Portfolio Catalog & Business Beat


November 06, 2009


Being the publisher of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, we're obviously fond of the folks at Portfolio. Beyond the personal connection, though, we feel they have consistently put out some of most intriguing books in the business genre over the past decade, and continue to do so. The list below contains the titles coming out of that publishing house in hardcover before year end.

PortfolioJavelinBeing the publisher of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, we're obviously fond of the folks at Portfolio. Beyond the personal connection, though, we feel they have consistently put out some of most intriguing books in the business genre over the past decade, and continue to do so. The list below contains the titles coming out of that publishing house in hardcover before year end. (In the interest of full disclosure, I nabbed this list from the Portfolio Javelin blog.) And, if you haven't checked out The Business Beat over at Penguin's From the Publisher's Office website, you really should (Jack is a regular contributor to the feature). This month you'll hear Simon Sinek talk about his new book, Start with Why (listed above), and Jack discuss Max DePree's calssic, Leadership Is an Art. The latest episode is embedded below. If you like our blog, you'll love The Business Beat.

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