The Book Gary Hamel Is Not Going To Write
October 27, 2009
Gary Hamel, author of The 100 Best Select Competing For The Future, has a blog on the Wall Street Journal site called Management 2. 0. In his latest entry, Hamel writes about the small fraction of people who actually read books, producing back of the napkin calculations to support the infinitesimal percentages.
Gary Hamel, author of The 100 Best Select Competing For The Future, has a blog on the Wall Street Journal site called Management 2.0.
In his latest entry, Hamel writes about the small fraction of people who actually read books, producing back of the napkin calculations to support the infinitesimal percentages. He concludes writing another business book is not in his future.
BUT, if he did, he says it would be about adaptability, going as far as creating a table of contents for this forever-to-go unwritten tome.
The first three chapters are:
-CHAPTER 1: Anticipation.
It's hard to out-run the future if you don't see it coming.
-CHAPTER 2: Intellectual Flexibility.
To change an organization you must first change minds.
-CHAPTER 3: Strategic Variety
To give up the bird in the hand you must first see a flock in the bush.
Hamel says in the final three chapters will be in his next post and ends with the question:
What's the one thing your company could do to lessen the gravitational pull of the past?
Great question for the disruptive times in which we live.