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Our Mile High Book Club: Best Airplane Reads from 8CR


December 23, 2009


I was inspired by NPR's Mile HIgh Book Club listing today and thought to myself, "Hey! Lots of people will be grabbing a plane to visit family and friends this weekend - what would business minded people want to read during their travels? " Well, why not pick from the Top 10 business books that we've sold overseas and across borders in 2009?

I was inspired by NPR's Mile HIgh Book Club listing today and thought to myself, "Hey! Lots of people will be grabbing a plane to visit family and friends this weekend - what would business minded people want to read during their travels?" Well, why not pick from the Top 10 business books that we've sold overseas and across borders in 2009? Here's what you get to pick from - choose wisely: # 1 Put More Cash in Your Pocket - Italy # 2 Instant Wealth Wake Up Rich! - United Kingdom # 3 Get Off Your Duff and Make Your Own @#$! Cheese - Australia # 4 Women Want More - Germany # 5 The Next Evolution of Marketing - Greece # 6 Made to Stick - Latvia # 7 Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis - Canada # 8 Your Brain at Work - Czech Republic # 9 Outrageous Advertising that's Outrageously Successful - Israel # 10 Innovation Nation - Japan coverartBut hey there now! You say that you don't have a long flight or you're going to be stuck hitching a ride with Uncle Hank and Aunt Fern? Why not take along the COOLEST business book around with you on that journey: The 100 Best Business Books of All Time!!! Not only will you be well read on all the great books in it - you'll have an escape from the re-telling of Cousin Frank's battle with the bulge during the season! (Oh, and with the book tucked under your arm as you dash to the ticket line... You'll even look smarter to boot!) Happy Reading and Happier Holidays!

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