News & Opinion

International Best Sellers for November


December 10, 2009


It's that time again - to reflect and note what others across the globe are taking time to read - Here are 800CEOREAD's international best selling business books for November 2009: 1 - Made to Stick (Latvia) 2 - IT Savvy (Australia) 3 - Kellogg on Branding (Turkey) 4 - Power of a Positive No (Mexico) 5 - Behavior Change (Spain) 6 - Peripheral Vision (France) 7 - Your Brain at Work (South Africa) 8 - Change Monster (Indonesia) 9 - Outrageous Advertising (Australia) 10 - Wikinomics (Greece) Stay tuned later this month for our Best International Books for the whole of 2009!

It's that time again - to reflect and note what others across the globe are taking time to read - Here are 800CEOREAD's international best selling business books for November 2009: 1 - Made to Stick (Latvia) 2 - IT Savvy (Australia) 3 - Kellogg on Branding (Turkey) 4 - Power of a Positive No (Mexico) 5 - Behavior Change (Spain) 6 - Peripheral Vision (France) 7 - Your Brain at Work (South Africa) 8 - Change Monster (Indonesia) 9 - Outrageous Advertising (Australia) 10 - Wikinomics (Greece) Stay tuned later this month for our Best International Books for the whole of 2009!

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