International Best Sellers for March
April 02, 2010
I knew you all were waiting for this post! You are sitting at home or at office ready for the long weekend ahead and thinking to yourself. .
I knew you all were waiting for this post!
You are sitting at home or at office ready for the long weekend ahead and thinking to yourself.... 'Gosh, I wonder what book I should start reading?' Well look no further than this listing of 800CEOREADs best sellers that were read across the globe last month!! Folks from Australia to Turkey were busy reading away last month and here's a little look into what they're interested in:
1 - Turkey
New Leadership Code: Five Rules to Lead By
(by Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood and Kate Sweetman)
2 - United Kingdom
Crush It!: Why Now Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion
(by Gary Vaynerchuk)
3 - Australia
It's Not Who You Know - It's Who Knows You!
(by David Avrin and Joe Calloway)
4 - China
Outsmart!: How to Do What Your Competitors Can't
(by Jim Champy)
5 - Switzerland
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
(by Chip Heath and Dan Heath)
Enjoy reading and have a safe weekend!