News & Opinion

Financial Times Asks "What Is Best Business Book of All Time?"


September 28, 2007


In conjunction with their Business Book of The Year Award, The Financial Times is asking the question: "What is the best book of all time? " They solicited suggestions from a wide variety of business executives, including GE's Jeff Immelt and Ebay's Meg Whitman. The editorial staff then created a short list using the same criterea as their yearly awards.

In conjunction with their Business Book of The Year Award, The Financial Times is asking the question: "What is the best book of all time?" They solicited suggestions from a wide variety of business executives, including GE's Jeff Immelt and Ebay's Meg Whitman. The editorial staff then created a short list using the same criterea as their yearly awards. The finalists are:

You can cast your vote and leave comments if you think they missed the mark with their selections.

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