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Dip into Seth's Meatball Sundae: it's available.


December 27, 2007


With all the hype and Meatball Mondae blog posts, we've been waiting for this book. Seth's latest is now available! Check out Squidoo to find excerpts and riffs from the book.

With all the hype and Meatball Mondae blog posts, we've been waiting for this book. Seth's latest is now available!
Check out Squidoo to find excerpts and riffs from the book. And MarketingProfs is hosting Seth for a 60 minute, live web broadcast on January 3rd. You can sign up here [details fixed; thanks Shelley!].

And, meet Seth, the action figure with different colored socks:

[Psst...a little bird told me a ChangeThis manifesto is in the works. Stay tuned; the next issue to be published on the 16th.]

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