A Milwaukee Company
December 05, 2007
It has been a little quiet on the blog this week because most of our crew is in the Windy City to meet with business book authors and publishers. I was there yesterday and it was a blast - I'm sure we'll have more to tell you over the next few weeks. I'll take this opportunity to mention something our sister company, Schwartz Bookshops, is participating in this winter.
It has been a little quiet on the blog this week because most of our crew is in the Windy City to meet with business book authors and publishers. I was there yesterday and it was a blast - I'm sure we'll have more to tell you over the next few weeks.
I'll take this opportunity to mention something our sister company, Schwartz Bookshops, is participating in this winter. It's an alliance of Milwaukee businesses called "Our Milwaukee" and their mission is this: "Our Milwaukee advocates for locally owned businesses that provide a genuine, quality experience - in celebration of our community's unique character."
At 800-CEO-READ, we believe strongly in supporting our local economy. So if you're in town at all, we encourage you to check out some of our favorite establishments:
Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops
Alterra Coffee Roasters (It's scary how much of their coffee we consume each day.)
Beans & Barley
Lakefront Brewery
Laacke & Joys
Outpost Natural Foods
The Pabst Theatre and The Riverside
Brewers Credit Union