The Filter Bubble exclusive offer
March 15, 2011
Are you getting the information you need or is it being hidden from you? This is the question examined in Eli Pariser's new book The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You. Most sites on the web have begun using your online history as cues to narrow down what you will see in the future.
Are you getting the information you need or is it being hidden from you?
This is the question examined in Eli Pariser's new book The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You. Most sites on the web have begun using your online history as cues to narrow down what you will see in the future. As they fine-tune their algorithms and personalize the content they provide, we will increasingly each live in our own, unique information universe, our own "filter bubble." We'll receive news that is familiar, pleasant, and confirms our beliefs—and since the filters are invisible, we won't know what is being hidden from us.
**We are offering a special opportunity for up to 50 people to join Eli Pariser on an exclusive Skype chat, where he'll provide a 50 minute talk, including Q&A, with your group. As a bonus, 50 copies of his book, The Filter Bubble, will be provided. Please contact Jon (at) if you are interested in hosting this event for your group. Limited sessions available.