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New Releases

Rising Strong

Dylan Schleicher

August 25, 2015


Brené Brown's Daring Greatly taught us to be courageously vulnerable. Her follow up, Rising Strong, shows us how to get back up when knocked down.

Bren Brown's previous books, The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, taught us how to let go of who we think we ought to be and just be ourselves, and how to put ourselves out there, to be vulnerable and all in in our relationships with others and the world. Her new book, Rising Strong, is for when we inevitably get knocked down in that process. It is a manifesto for and of the brave and brokenhearted.
Rising Strong goes on sale today! It is also featured in our Book Giveaway this week. So head out and buy yourself a copy, and then try to win one for a friend.

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