
How the Promise of Technology Has Mutated Into Addiction and Despair, and What to Do About It

Vivek Wadhwa, Alex Salkever

July 11, 2018

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"When you look back on your life, what would you change? Many of you might wish you had spent more time with family and friends. Some of you might wish you had spent more time outside or doing things you love. The good news is, you can actually make a simple change that will grant you these wishes, and probably many other wishes you have. Change the way you interact with technology. What does that mean? Well, let me ask the question another way. How many of you, when looking back, wish you had spent even more time on social media? More time on Slack or answering emails? More time aimlessly surfing YouTube looking at random cat tricks or strange but useless videos? More time looking at the perfect vacation pictures of high school acquaintances you don't really care that much about? More time checking texts for work late at night? The way we use technology is, far too often, broken, brain dead and utterly dehumanizing. It is negatively impacting our happiness. And it needs to change. This is not to say we can or should pull the plug. We are past a point where we can comfortably exist in society without technology."

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