
Relationship Capital Unplugged

John Hope Bryant

September 20, 2017

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"You may have gotten one or two of the five rules of economic independence, but you still don't feel economically independent. You may have a 725 credit score, but you're sitting at your computer all day and your relationships are dwindling and it's preventing you from getting ahead. You may be sitting there thinking, 'If I'm doing all the right things and still struggling, then the system has to be rigged.' No, actually, there's just some important stuff nobody told you. Nobody gave you the Memo. What if I told you there was a reason that you were not as successful as you thought you should be, and it had little to nothing to do with whether you were smart, or competent, or whether you qualified for the job or post you applied for? What if I told you that you had everything you needed in this life for success—except the right Relationship Capital? And that your Relationship Capital starts with what I call Inner Capital. That it starts with you. How you see and feel about yourself. That you ARE capital. Human capital."

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