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Archaic "Best" Business Practices Toxic to Resilience, Innovation, and Change (Plus, What To Do Instead!)

Carol Sanford

November 21, 2017

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"The concept of 'best practices' is no protection against toxic practices. Most of these 'Best Practices' have never been validated, and some are particularly toxic themselves—whether that is in how they develop strategy, lead people, or change an industry. Most are marketing hype invented by a consultant company. Of course, everyone wants to have the 'best' way to work. But by what standards? Most businesses just layer on a new program to soften the negative effects of last year's program. But they are not examined rigorously before they are adopted. Lost is the deep reconceptualization of how to design and carry out work in a way that develops the highest aspect of human beings. Some programs and practices even undermine our role as citizens. Amazingly, the practices even outlast the companies that adopt them, carried forward by Human Resource professionals and leaders who are hired elsewhere."

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