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About Alan Beaulieu

BRIAN BEAULIEU is an economist, principal and CEO with ITR Economics(TM) (ITR). At ITR(R), Brian has been leading the charge in applied research regarding business cycle trend analysis and the utilization of that research at a practical business level. Brian consults with companies worldwide and has provided valuable insight to business owners and executives for 27 years with the result being increased profitability and greater awareness of business cycle opportunities.

Alan Beaulieu is a principal and the President of ITR Economics(TM). Alan is also the senior economic advisor to a variety of U.S. and European trade associations. He is the keynote speaker at corporate and trade association meetings worldwide where he provides a clear economics forecasts and proven profit-enhancing strategies to businesses across a wide spectrum of industries. Alan's knowledge and expertise are in great demand, as evidenced by his extremely busy calendar that includes 120 speaking engagements a year.

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